SenRide RideShare App 2020

Brief: Systems are the interrelationships between the designer, the message, the content, the intent, the user, the experiences and the communication channels selected. This project allowed me to deconstruct my everyday with the goal of seeking a deeper understanding of the habits, cultural mythologies and interrelationships that inform our lives. This project was intended to develop my ability to see my everyday in new ways opening me to the opportunity of questioning what is and what can be.

Background: SenRide is a transportation system for low-income senior citizens in Detroit. SenRide keeps the elderly safe on the road but also allows them to live their daily lives to the fullest.

Whether it be going to the grocery store, going out to eat, going to the park, or connecting with family and friends, all while getting the assistance they need.

Solution: SenRide’s interface is senior citizen-friendly and *approved*, easy to use, easy to understand with minimal options, includes large buttons, and easy-on-the-eyes colors.

Assets include: Smartphone application, bus stop shelter advertisement, poster, flyer, informational pamphlet, and newspaper ad.