Hope Detroit 2021

Brief: Our senior thesis was all about the method of chance. From topics, to color palettes, to play, and final execution. 
Background: Starting with research, I dove into topics that I’m passionate about, humanity being one of them. From there I researched hostile architecture and it’s purpose in cities, it is an urban-design strategy that uses elements of the built environment to purposefully guide or restrict behavior, it targets people who use or rely on public space more than others, such as youth and the homeless.

Homelessness is a huge issue worldwide, but for my senior thesis I wanted to address the issue at home.

Although for my senior thesis I was unable to go around dismantling architecture and building homes, I was able to come up with an idea that would benefit the homeless community in other ways.

Solution: Hope Detroit is a traveling truck in the city that hosts pop-up events to provide goods and resources to those in need.

They supply socks, feminine hygiene products, donated clothing, dental hygiene products, blankets, backpacks, rain ponchos, umbrellas, hats & gloves, and to-go meals. In addition, a cardboard resource card with a waterproof film that explains who they are what they provide, and also lists food services and shelters in Detroit.